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 Price list

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At The Light Of Learning, we try to be fair with our pricing. We offer as good, if not better service and attention than other leading tutoring companies or language schools. We have had experience working in those places and we feel they sometimes are too profit oriented and lack dedication. If your lesson runs 5 or 10mn over because we need to finish up or you need clarification, we understand. Also, our lessons are truly 1 hour, not 45 or 50mn! 


We value your business. We have priced our services carefully, taking many factors unto consideration. We have integrity. We also are aware of economic changes. For example We have recently reduced our hourly tutoring rate. We occasional run specials and offer coupons. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to take advantage of special pricing!

Tutoring Session


Evaluation over the phone, Skype or email is free.

Help via phone, email or Skype is also free as long as you make an appointment and it is under 15 minutes





One hour................................... $50
2 hours .................................... $80


Group price:


2 people:   $30 per person

3 or more: $25 per person


Group of ten or more: $16 per person (this is a class setting)


Packages: call us for a quote if you would like to buy 5 or more sessions at a time


Material: we will let you know how much material costs after your evaluation or first lesson. If you have your own material you would like to work with, let us know.


CANCELLATION FEE: you will be charged one full hour if you do not give us 24 hour notice.

Initial Consultation:  $50


Phone or email contact during project: Free for first 15mn. 10 dollars per 15mn after


Translation: 10 cents per word


Digital forwarding: Free


Printed translation: 5 cents per page






Consultation:................. .  $50
One hour presentation 10 or less people........................$100 
One hour presentation for 10+ people...............................$200
2 hour presentation 10 or less people................................$180
2 hour presentation 10+ people.............................  $280


Presentations not held at your place of business require an additional $60 fee per group.

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